Books and Guides
English language, Cambodia-related titles
are available through book sellers in
Phnom Penh,
Siem Reap and
Sihanoukville - new, used and bootlegged. Monument Books is
the largest distributor of new English language books in Cambodia,
offering an excellent selection of Cambodia-related titles including all
the most recent releases. Monument has branches in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. D's Books and Bohr’s Books both offer good
selections of used and bootleg versions of the most popular Cambodia and
SEA titles. D's Books has branches in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Bohr's
has a couple of branches in Phnom Penh. Photocopy books and guides are
also available at the traditional markets and roving book sellers that
walk the tourist areas such as the riverfront in Phnom Penh and Pub
Street in Siem Reap.
Angkor Temple Guides
Angkor Thom: A Short Historical Guide (Cambodia: Apsara
Authority, 2001)
Aymonier, Etienne. Khmer Heritage in the Old Siamese Provinces of
Cambodia (Bangkok Thailand: White Lotus, 1999 reprint, orig.
1901)Turn of the century report/guide. Locations and temple
descriptions of familiar and remote temples in Cambodia. Aymonier
books are primarily of historical interest. Though for those
interested in searching for and exploring some of Cambodia's more
remote and obscure temples, Aymonier works can be a rich source of
Aymonier, Etienne. Khmer Heritage in Thailand (Thailand:
White Lotus, 1999 reprint, orig. 1901) Turn of the century
report/guide. Locations and temple descriptions of familiar and
remote temples in Cambodia. Aymonier books are primarily of
historical interest.
Booth, Andrew The Angkor Guidebook: Your Essential Companion to
the Temples (Thailand: 2014, Amarin Printing and Publishing)
Unique guidebook to the temple of Angkor Archaeological Park,
employing photo overlays to show how the temples may have appeared
when they were new and active.
Freeman, Michael and Jacques, Claude. Ancient Angkor
(Thailand: River Books, 1999) Popular, beautifully photographed
guidebook to the Angkorian temple in the Angkor Archaeological Park
and some of the outlying temples.
Freeman, Michael. Phimai (Thailand: River Books Guides, 1997) Guide
to the Angkorian-era ruin of Pimai in Thailand.
Freeman, Michael. Prasat Phnom Rung & Muang Tam (Thailand:
River Books Guides, 1998) Guide to the Angkorian-era ruin of Prasat
Phnom Rung & Muang Tam in Thailand.
A Guide to the Angkor Monuments Concise, brief pamphlet. One
paragraph on each temple and a map. Very useful. A bit difficult to
find. They used to have copies available at the entrance of Preah
Khan but that seems to be no more. May be available in the Old
Market or from some guesthouses. Dept. of Angkor Conservation.
Laur, Jean. Angkor: An Illustrated Guide to the Monuments
(Italy: Flammarion, 2002) A guide to the temples of the Angkor
Archaeological Park.
Maisonneuve, J. Angkor (Paris: Librairie de Amerique et
d'Orient, 1993)
Ortner, Jon and Mabbett, Ian. Angkor: Celestial Temples of the
Khmer Empire (New York: Abbeyville Press, 2006)
Parmentier, Henri. Henri Parmentier's Guide to Angkor. Turn
of the century classic by one of the fathers of Angkorian
archaeology. Now dated, it is less interesting as a guide than for
Parmentier’s loving descriptions. Parmentier bring a sense of time
and color to the temples that the other guides lose in their barren
Rooney, Dawn F. Angkor: An Introduction to the Temples (Odyssey
Publications, Hong Kong, 2006) Popular, complete, accurate. Highly
recommended. The most complete English-language guidebook to the
temples. The highly anticipated 5th edition was just released in
October 2006. The 5th edition contains several additional temple
ruins including Preah Vihear, Koh Ker, Banteay Chhmar, Sambor Prei
Kuk and more as well as new temple and area maps, photos and
illustrations. The best guide to the temple has just gotten better.
Rovenda, Vittorio. Preah Vihear (Bangkok: River Books Guides
2000) Guide to
the Angkorian-era ruin of Preah Vihear in Thailand.
Pre-Colonial Cambodian History (including Angkor
temple guides listed in previous section)
Angkor Thom: A
Short Historical Guide (Cambodia: Apsara Authority, 2001)
Aymonier, Etienne. Khmer Heritage in the Old Siamese Provinces of
Cambodia (Bangkok Thailand: White Lotus, 1999)
Aymonier, Etienne. Khmer Heritage in Thailand (Thailand:
White Lotus, 1999)
Bhandari, C.M. Saving Angkor (White Orchid, 1995)
Briggs, Lawrence Palmer. The Ancient Khmer Empire (Thailand:
White Lotus, 1999)
Chakravarti, Adhir. Royal Succession in Ancient Cambodia, The
Asiatic Monograph Series vol. XXVI. (Calcutta: The Asiatic
Society, 1982)
Coedes, George. Angkor: An Introduction (London: Oxford
University Press, 1969)
Coedes, George. The Indianized States of Southeast Asia (USA:
University Press of Hawaii1968)
Eleanor Mannikka. Angkor Wat: Time, Space, Kingship (University
of Hawaii, USA, 2000) Highly detailed architectural/artistic
description, and theory of the mathematics of Angkor Wat.
Freeman, Michael and Jacques, Claude. Ancient Angkor
(Thailand: River Books, 1999)
Freeman, Michael. Phimai (Thailand: River Books Guides, 1997)
Freeman, Michael. Prasat Phnom Rung & Muang Tam (Thailand:
River Books Guides, 1998)
Laur, Jean. Angkor: An Illustrated Guide to the Monuments
(Italy: Flammarion, 2002)
Mabbett, Ian and Chandler, David. The Khmers. (Thailand:
Silkworm Books, 1995)
Maisonneuve, J. Angkor (Paris: Librairie de Amerique et
d'Orient, 1993)
Ortner, Jon and Mabbett, Ian. Angkor: Celestial Temples of the
Khmer Empire (New York: Abbeyville Press, 2006)
Parmentier, Henri. Henri Parmentier's Guide to Angkor
Rooney, Dawn F. Angkor: An Introduction to the Temples (Odyssey
Publications, Hong Kong, 1999) Popular, complete, accurate. Highly
Rovenda, Vittorio. Preah Vihear (Bangkok: River Books Guides
Standen, Mark. Passage through Angkor. One of the best coffee
table photo books of the temples of Angkor.
Vittorio Roveda. Images of the Gods: Khmer Mythology in Cambodia,
Laos & Thailand (Bangkok: River Books, 2005)
Vittorio Roveda. Khmer Mythology (Bangkok: River Books, 2000)
Zefferys, Marlene L., Zefferys, Nicholas S. and Stone, Jeffery.
Heaven and Empire: Khmer Bronzes from the 9th to the 15th Centuries
(Bangkok: White Lotus, 2001)
Zéphir, Thierry. Khmer: Lost Empire of Cambodia (London:
Thames and Hudson, 1998)
Colonial and Post-Colonial History and Politics: Sangkum, Khmer
Rouge, Vietnam-war -era, Occupation, UNTAC, Elections...
Jacques. Kampuchea Diary 1983-1986: Selected Articles by Jacques
Bekaert. (Thailand: DD Books, 1987)
Chandler, David. A History of Cambodia. (Bangkok Thailand:
White Lotus, 1994)
Complete, easy-to-read account of Cambodian history from the dawn of
Funan to the elections of 1993. Not useful as a guide to the temples
but an excellent way to put the Angkorian period into a larger
historical perspective.
Chandler, David. Facing the Cambodian Past. (Thailand: White
Lotus, 1996)
Chandler, David. Voices from S-21 (Singapore: Silkworm Books,
2000) A new and systematic examination of the S-21 (Toul Sleng)
prison. Thorough and chilling.
Chang Pao-Min. Kampuchea Between China and Vietnam.
(Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1985)
Etcheson, Craig. The Rise and Demise of Democratic Kampuchea.
(Boulder Colorado: Westview Press, 1984)
Fawthorp, Tom and Jarvis, Helen. Getting Away with Genocide?
Elusive Justice and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. (London and Ann
Arbor: Pluto Press, 2004)
Gottesman, Evan. Cambodia After the Khmer Rouge: Insider the
Politics of Nation Building. (London: Yale University Press,
Hall, D. G. E. A History of South-East Asia (New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 1981, 4th ed.)
Heder, Stephan and Tittemore, Brian D. Seven Candidates for
Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge
(Phnom Penh Cambodia: DC CAM, 2004)
Jenner, Raoul M. Cambodian Chronicles 1989-1996 Volume 1 Bungling
the Peace 1989-1991. (Thailand: White Lotus, 1998)
Kiernan, Ben. How Pol Pot Came to Power (Great Britain:
Thetford Press, 1986)
Kiernan, Ben. The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power and Genocide in
Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79 (London: Yale University
Press, 1996)
Khieu Samphan. Cambodia's Recent History and the Reason Behind
the Decisions I Made (Cambodia: self-published, 2004)
Kobelev, Evgueni and Solntsev, Nikolai. Le Kampuchea: Qui Renait
de Ses Cendres. (Moskow: Moscou Planeta, 1988)
Kubes, Antonin. Kampuchea: Four Regimes (Prague: Orbis Press
Agency, 1982)
Kubes, Antonin. Kampuchea (Prague: Agence de Press Orbis,
Locard, Henri. Pol Pot's Little Red Book: The Saying of Angkar.
(Thailand: Silkworm Books, 2004)
Mehta, Harish and Mehta, Julie B. Hun Sen: Strongman of Cambodia. (Singapore:
Graham Brash, 1999) Uncritical but unique biography of Cambodia’s
Prime Minister.
Mehta, Harish. Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of the King
of Cambodia. (Singapore: Graham Brash, 2001)
Morris, Stephan J. Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia: Political
Cultures and the Causes of War (California: Stanford University
Press, 1999)
Nayan Chanda. Brother Enemy: The War after Vietnam, A History of
Indochina since the Fall of Saigon. (New York: Collier Books,
Macmillan Publishing, 1986)
Osborne, Milton E. The French Presence in Cochinchina and
Cambodia. (Thailand: White Lotus, 1997)
Osborne, Milton E. The Mekong. (Australia: Allen & Unwin,
2000, 8th ed.)
Osborne, Milton E. Politics and Power in Cambodia.
(Australia: Longman, 2000)
Osborne, Milton E. Sihanouk: Prince of Light Prince of Darkness.
(Thailand: Sikworm Books, 1994)
Osborne, Milton E. Southeast Asia: An Introductory History.
(Australia: Allen & Unwin, 2000)
Philpotts, Robert. A Port for Independence: The Origins of
Sihanoukville (London: Blackwater Books, 2006)
Ponchaud, François. Cambodia Year Zero. Watershed 1976
account of the horrors of the Khmer Rouge.
Ponchaud, François. The Cathedral of the Rice Paddy: 450 Years of
History of the Church in Cambodia (Paris: Le Sarment Fayard,
Reid, Anthony. Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450-1680,
Volume One: The Lands below the Winds (Chiang Mai Thailand:
Silkworm Books, 1988)
Reid, Anthony. Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450-1680,
Volume Two: Expansion and Crisis (Chiang Mai Thailand: Silkworm
Books, 1993)
Reid, Anthony. Charting the Shape of Early Modern Southeast Asia
(Thailand: Silkworm Books, 1999)
Roberts, David W. Political Transition in Cambodia 1991-1999:
Power, Elitism and Democracy (Surry: Curzon Press, 2001)
SarDesai, D. R. Southeast Asia Past & Present (Chiang Mai
Thailand: Silkworm Books, 1997)
Sorpong Peou. Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards
Democracy?. (Chiang Mai Thailand: Silkworm Books, 2000) Academic
account of foreign intervention in Cambodia in the 1990s.
Informative read.
Shawcross, William. Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the
Destruction of Cambodia. (London: The Hogarth Prewss, 1994)
Short, Philip. Pol Pot: History of a Nightmare. (London: John
Murray, 2004)
Tauch Chhuong. Battambang During the Time of Lord Governor.
(Phnom Penh: Cedorek, 1994)
Thion, Serge. Watching Cambodia. (Bangkok Thailand: White
Lotus, 1993)
Vickery, Michael. Cambodia 1975-1982. (Bangkok: White Lotus,
2001, 2nd ed.) Authoritative, landmark report by one of the leading
scholars of Cambodian history.
Vann Nath. A Cambodian Prison Portrait. A first hand account
of the infamous S-21 torture facility by one of the prisons only
KR Survivors'
Bizot, Francois. The Gate (London: Harvill Press, 2003)
Crew, Linda. Children of the River. (New York: Laural-Leaf,
Luong Ung. First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia
Remembers. (Australia: Harper-Collins, 2000)
Culture, Religion, Arts
Cambodian Folk Stories from the Gatiloke. Retold by Muriel P.
Carrison from a translation by The Venerable Kong Chhean (Japan:
Charles E. Tuttle, 1993) Traditional Cambodian legends and
folkloric tales.
Cultures of Independence: An Introduction to Cambodian Arts and
Culture in the 1950s and 1960s (Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Reyum
Publishing, 2001)
Grant-Ross, H. & Collins, Darryl L..
Cambodia:' New Khmer Architecture' 1953 - 1970 (Bangkok:
The Key Publisher Co., 2006)
Green, Gillian. Traditional Textiles of Cambodia: Cultural
Threads and Material Heritage. (Thailand: River Books, 2003)
Harris, Ian. Cambodian Buddhism History & Practice. (Thailand:
Silkworm Books, 2005)
Heywood, Denise.
Cambodian Dance: Celebration of the Gods The History of Cambodian
Dance. (Bangkok: River Books, 2009)
Hughes, Caroline. Nature and Causes of Conflict Escalation in the
1998 National Election. (Cambodia: Cambodian Development
Resource Institute, 2000)
Igout, Michel. Phnom Penh Then and Now (Thailand: White
Lotus, 1993) Historic and recent photographs of classic buildings
and places in Phnom Penh.
Jeldres, Julio. The Royal Palace of Phnom Penh and Cambodian
Royal Life. (Bangkok: Post Books, 1999) Handsome, informed,
beautifully photographed.
Jeldres, Julio and Chaijitvanit, Somkid. The Royal Palace of
Phnom Penh and Cambodian Royal Life. (Cambodia: Monument Books,
Khmer Salutation (Cambodia: Khmer Culture Association, 2002)
Mead, David. Cambodia: The Churning Photographs and verse,
observations of today’s Cambodia.
Mehta, Julie B. Dance of Life: The Mythology, History and
Politics of Cambodia (Singapore: Fraham bash, 2001)
Narom, Keo. Cambodian Music. (Phnom
Penh, Cambodia: Reyum Publishing, 2005)
Oldham, Geoffrey P. and Delahunt, Brett. Cambodian Decorations of
Honor. (New Zealand: Milymen Books, 2004)
Phim, Toni S. and Thompson, Ashley. Dance in Cambodia. (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1999)
Preah Chan Kaorup: A Cambodian Legend (Cambodia: Reyum Press,
Preah Ko and Preah Keo: A Cambodian Legend (Cambodia: Reyum
Press, 2001)
The Reamker: Painted by Chet Chan (Cambodia: Reyum Press,
Thaitawat, Nusara. The Cuisine of Cambodia Combination
cookbook, coffee table photo book.
Through the Threads of Time: The James HW Thompson Foundation
Symposium Papers. Edited by Jane Puranananda (Thailand: River
Books, 2004)
Vann Molyvann. Modern Khmer Cities. (Cambodia: Reyum Press,
Zepp, Ray. A Field Guide to Cambodian Pagodas (Phnom Penh:
Bert's Books, 1997) The basics of Cambodian Buddhism and stories
from the wall paintings of Phnom Penh’s and Siem Reap’s pagodas. Ray
Zepp gives a knowledgeable, insightful, easy to read account the
pagoda paintings, art and history. A must for those interested in
Cambodian culture and religion.
Zepp, Ray. A Field Guide to Siem Reap Pagodas (Cambodia:
Khmer Buddhist Educational Project, 2000) The basics of Cambodian
Buddhism and stories from the wall paintings of Siem Reap’s pagodas.
Ray Zepp gives a knowledgeable, insightful, easy to read account the
pagoda paintings, art and history. A must for those interested in
Cambodian culture and religion.
Zhou Daguan (Chuo Ta-Kuan). The Customs of Cambodia Translated
from French to English by Paul Pelliot. Original translation by J.
Gillman d'Arey Paul. (Bangkok: The Siam Society, 1993) A short but
fascinating eye-witness account of royal and ordinary life in 12th
century Angkor. The ordinary life bas-reliefs on the south side of
Bayon take on a new life after reading Zhou Daguan's observations of
the time.
Travel, Travelogues, Historical Travelogues and Guidebooks
(excluding Temple
de Carné, Louis.
Travels on the Mekong. (Thailand: White Lotus, 2000 reprint,
orig. 1868)
de San Antonio, Gabriel Quiroga. A Brief and Truthful Relation of
Events in the Kingdom of Cambodia. (Thailand: White Lotus, 1998
reprint, orig. 1604)
Cramer, Kenneth. The Cambodia Visitors Guide: 1994 (Cambodia:
Canby Publications, 2004)
Eckardt, James. The Year of Living Stupidly. (Bangkok
Thailand,: Asia Books, 2001) Keenly told expat tales from Cambodia’s
1998 election period.
Gilboa, Amit. Off the Rails in Phnom Penh An
‘anthropological’ report from Cambodia’s seamy underbelly of the mid
90's. If nothing else, it’s popular.
Guide to Living in Phnom Penh, The Women's International
Loti, Pierre. A Pilgrimage to Angkor (Thailand: Silkworm
Books, 1996 reprint, orig. 1902)
Livingston, Carol. Gecko Tails: A Journey through Cambodia
Nicely related travel stories and Cambodian experiences from the
early 1990s.
Matt Jacobson. Adventure Cambodia (Thailand: Silkworm Books,
2004) Detailed, up to date, very well received travel guide to
provincial Cambodia. 2nd edition just released.
Mouhot, Henri. Travels in Siam, Cambodia, Laos and Annam.
(Thailand: White Lotus, 2000 reprint, orig. 1864)
Philpotts, Robert. The Coast of Cambodia (London: Blackwater
Books, 2000) Detailed guidebook to the coastal towns, roads and
travel routes from Koh Kong to the Vietnamese border.
Ray, Nick. Lonely Planet Cambodia, 5th edition (Australia:
Lonely Planet, 2005)
Rooney, Dawn F. Angkor Observed (Bangkok: Orchid Guides,
Zepp, Ray. Around Battambang (Cambodia: self-published, 2001)
Zepp, Ray. The Cambodia Less Travelled (Phnom Penh Cambodia:
Bert's Books, 1996) Dated guide, insightful travelogue to provincial
Zepp, Ray. The Cambodia Less Travelled: Northeast Supplement (Phnom
Penh Cambodia: Bert's Books, 1996)
Zepp, Ray. The Cambodia Less Travelled: Southern Supplement (Phnom
Penh Cambodia: Bert's Books, 1996)
Zepp, Ray. The Cambodia Less Travelled: Northwestern Supplement (Phnom
Penh Cambodia: Bert's Books, 1996)
Business and Reference
Guide to Cambodia Criminal Law (Phnom Penh: Funan, 2005)
Who's Who in Cambodia 2006-2007 (MBN International, Phnom
Penh Cambodia, 2006)
Commercial Sex Trade, Sex Slavery
A Modern Form of
Slavery: Trafficking of Burmese Women and Girls into Brothels in
Thailand. (USA: Human Right Watch, 1993)
Brown, Louise. Sex Slaves: The Trafficking of Women in Southeast
Asia. (London: Virago Press, 2003)
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children in Cambodia:
Personal Narratives, A Psychological Perspective. (USA:
Physicians for Human Rights report, 1997)
de Cort, Gerry. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in
Southeast Asia: A Regional Overview, December 2001. (Thailand:
UNICEF report, 2002)
Derks, A. Trafficking of Vietnamese Women and Children to Cambodia.
(Cambodia: International Organization for Migration - IOM, report,
Dunn, Jacqui. Demographic, Working Practices & AIDS Awareness of
Commercial Sex Workers in Toul Kork Dike Area, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
(Cambodia: Toul Kork Dike Clinic, 1995)
Gray, L., Gourley, S., Paul, D. Regaining Honor: Cambodian
Children's Experiences in Prostitution and After. (Cambodia:
World Vision International report, 1997)
Greenwood, Zoe. When the Stars are Up: Life and Work of Sex
Workers in Koh Kong. (Cambodia: CARE International report, 2000)
Laws and Trafficking in Person in Cambodia. Sok Sam Oeun.
(Cambodia: Sok Sam Oeun)
The Legal Rights of Cambodian Children: International and
Cambodian Laws, Regulations and Guidelines Relating to Children
(Cambodia: Legal Aid of Cambodia, 1998)
Seabrook, Jeremy. Travels in the Skin Trade. (London/USA:
Pluto Press, 2001)
Cambodge Sangkum
Reastr Niyum: Industrie 1955-1969
Cambodge Sangkum Reastr Niyum: Agriculture 1955-1969
Cambodge Sangkum Reastr Niyum: Urbanisme & Tourisme 1955-1969
Kampong Som: Future Seaport of Cambodia - An extract from the
Economic Section of "The Bulletin of the Ministry of Planning" No.
2. (Cambodia: Ministry of Planning, 1958)
Kampuchea Today (Phnom Penh: Ministry of Information, 1988)
Richner, Dr. Beat. The Passive Genocide of Cambodia's Children:
An Appeal for Change in the World Health Organization's (WHO) and
other organizations' policy and strategy poor medicine for poor
people (Cambodia: self published, 1998)
Seanglim Bit. The Warrior Heritage: A Psychological Perspective
of Cambodia Trauma (California: self-published, 1991)
National Geographic magazine
Long, G. W. and Roberts, J. B. "Indochina Faces the Dragon," in
The National Geographic Magazine, Vol. CII, No. 3, September
1952, page 288.
Garrett, W. E. "Thailand: Refuge from Terror," in National
Geographic, Vol. 157, No. 5, May 1980, page 633.
Garrett, W. E. "The Temples of Angkor: Will They Survive?," in
National Geographic, Vol. 161, No. 5, May 1982, page 548.
Garrett, W. E. and White, P. T. "The Temples of Angkor: Ancient
Glory in Stone," in National Geographic, Vol. 161, No.
5, May 1982, page 548.
Moore, R. W. and Fievet, M. "Angkor, Jewel of the Jungle," in
National Geographic, Vol. 117, No. 4, April 1960, page 517.
Solheim, Wm. G. "Southeast Asia 2: New Light on a Forgotten Past,"
in National Geographic, Vol. 139, No. 3, March 1971, page
White, P. T. "Behind the Headlines in Vietnam," in National
Geographic, Vol. 133, No. 2, February 1967, page 149.
White, P. T. "Southeast Asia 1: A Mosaic of Cultures," in
National Geographic, Vol. 139, No. 3, March 1971, page 295.
White, P. T. and Harvey P.A. "Kampuchea Wakens from a Nightmare," in
National Geographic, Vol. 161, No. 5, May 1982, page 548.

