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Ta Prohm Kel

Date of Construction:
Late 12th century C.E.
Religious Affiliation:
Patron or King:
Jayavarman VII
Artistic/Archeo. Style:
AAP/PC - Opposite Angkor Wat.
Duration of Visit:
Time to Visit:
Photography Notes:

A single small sandstone tower located opposite Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm Kel is the ruin of the temple or ‘chapel’ of one of the 102 hospitals built by Jayavarman VII throughout the kingdom. Of very similar design and state of ruin to the Chapel of the Hospital near Ta Keo. The Buddhist-themed carving on the northern pediment is in fair condition and displays marks of vandalism characteristic of the 13th century Hindu resurgence. The coarsely rendered carvings on the interior of the temple are probably from a much latter period.

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Phnom Penh , Cambodia.