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Spean Thma

Date of Construction:
Religious Affiliation:
Patron or King:
Artistic/Archeo. Style:
Duration of Visit:
5 minutes
Time to Visit:
13d26'46N  103d52'46E

‘Spean Thma’ literally translates to 'Stone Bridge'. Spean Thma is the remnants of an ancient bridge over the Siem Reap River. The bridge has been reconstructed several times over the centuries. As it currently stands the bridge is of post-Angkorian construction, employing carved stone from earlier temples. It sits just to the side of the river, indicating how much the course has shifted over the years, possibly in part due to the build up of sediment and obstruction caused by the bridge. You will pass by it on your way between Angkor Thom and Ta Keo. It is located just a couple of feet off the road.

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