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Bat Chum

Date of Construction:
Mid 10th century C.E.
Religious Affiliation:
Patron or King:
Artistic/Archeo. Style:
Pre Rup
AAP - Just off the PC near Srah Srang
Duration of Visit:
15 minutes
Time to Visit:
Photography Notes:
13d25'29N  103d54'27E

Trio of small brick towers on a platform with two surviving lintels in pretty good condition. Bat Chum is a historically unique early Buddhist temple constructed at a time when Hinduism dominated. The inscriptions on the doorways note the Buddhist dedication, praise the architect (who was also the architect for East Mebon and Pre Rup,) and admonishes local elephant handlers to keep their beasts off the dikes, like an ancient 'keep off the grass' sign.

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Phnom Penh , Cambodia.