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Baksei Chamkrong

Date of Construction:
Mid 10th century C.E.
Religious Affiliation:
Patron or King:
Harshavarman I
Artistic/Archeo. Style:
AAP/PC - Near the South Gate of Angkor Thom
Duration of Visit:
10-15 minutes
Time to Visit:
Photography Notes:
Faces east
13d25'31N  103d51'29E

A towering 12-meter tall brick and laterite step-pyramid. Harshavarman I began construction or perhaps dedicated statues at the site in the early 10th century. It was later improved/restored by Rajendravarman II shortly after the capital was returned to Angkor from Koh Ker. According to inscriptions on the doorway, Rajendravarman II consecrated the temple with the installation of a golden Shiva image in 947AD. It may have also served as a funerary temple. Combine with a visit to the South Gate in the morning or Phnom Bakheng in the evening. Lighting is best in the morning.

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Phnom Penh , Cambodia.